What is the Most Important Word in the Bible?
In this video, I mention my training videos: “How to ‘Look Intently’ at the Bible.” To learn more…
How to ‘Look Intently’ at the Bible
Actions Steps…
- What does it mean to be ‘sanctified’? How does it apply to…
- Becoming a Christian in the first place?
- Living, growing and maturing as a Christian?
- Why is “the Word”… God’s Truth so essential to being sanctified? When it comes to…
- Becoming a Christian in the first place?
- Living, growing and maturing as a Christian?
>>> With engaging with God’s Word being so crucial for our Christian lives, how well would you say you do (on a scale from 1-10)? Consider the time you spend, the effort you put forth to really study (which includes applying) and your ability to study.
- What is one specific thing you can do to better engage with God’s Word?