I Want to Know More
Action Steps…
- Think about how much Control (Knowledge – Wisdom – Power) it took—
- For God to create all that exists out of nothing
- For God to fulfill his promise of the Cross – and then resurrect Jesus from the dead
On a scale from 0 – 100, how much CONTROL do you think it took for Creation… for the Cross/Resurrection?
- Think about—
- God creating us to have a Relationship with us
- God sending his Son to the Cross to restore that relationship (despite our sin
On a scale from 0 – 100, how much LOVE do you think God showed toward us at Creation… at the Cross?
- Now think about a difficult situation/trial you are facing…
- How much CONTROL (Knowledge – Wisdom – Power) do you think it will take for God to resolve the situation?
- Remember… God will not always resolve a difficult situation the way we want, but in the way that is best
- How much LOVE do you think it will take for God in work in this situation in the way that is best for you?
- e., When we are facing a difficult situation that is our fault to some degree, we may think that requires more Love from God
- How much CONTROL (Knowledge – Wisdom – Power) do you think it will take for God to resolve the situation?
On a scale from 0 – 100, how much LOVE and CONTROL do you think will be required of God in the situation you are facing?
- Does the situation you are facing require more CONTROL and/or LOVE than God needed for Creation and the Cross?
- How does that impact how you view your situation?