Is it Possible to Do TOO Much as a Christian?

Is it Possible to Do TOO Much as a Christian? – AUDIO Download


  • What has been your experience with the ‘Try harder’ approach to overcoming sin and growing as a Christian? (I.e., Is this what you have been taught? What you thought? What you’ve tried? If so, how did it work?)
    • Why does it make so much sense (‘have an appearance of wisdom’) on the surface?
    • Why is it destined to fail?


  • What part does Grace play in our Forgiveness and assurance of Heaven?
    • How does Grace play the same type of role when it comes to our Transformation? (i.e., growing as a Christian)


  • How is ‘contemplating Christ’s glory’ (2 Corinthians 3:18) the key to being transformed by God’s power?


>> What is one (or more) specific change I need to make to begin seeking to grow as a Christian by God’s Grace and Power vs. my own efforts?